"In Unity There's Strength"

The Bruce County Federation of Agriculture (BCFA) represents the interests and concerns of 1600 farm families in Bruce County who are members of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

Our objectives include:

  • to promote and support initiatives which benefit the agricultural industry and the community of Bruce County and Ontario

  • to maintain an affiliation with the OFA, and to c-ooperate with organizations throughout Ontario in furthering the interests of farmers

  • to support and encourage co-operation between and within adult and youth educational organizations

  • to encourage and support co-operative development and enterprises in Bruce County

  • to encourage and build understanding between rural and urban people

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of most months at 7:30pm to 10:00pm.  All Bruce County Federation members are welcome to attend.

The Bruce County Federation of Agriculture works for the economic and social well being of the agricultural community, through leadership, advocacy and cooperation.
— BCFA Mission Statement

BCFA Zoom Meeting

real farm real food event

In the Community

We hold events throughout the year to engage the agricultural community, from farm tours to local food dinners.

Click for upcoming events →

Click for event photos →

